Prisma is an open-source ORM for Node.js and TypeScript. It is used as an alternative to writing plain SQL, or using another database access tool such as SQL query builders ( like knex.js) or ORMs (like TypeORM and Sequelize). Prisma currently supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and SQLite.
While Prisma can be used with plain JavaScript, it embraces TypeScript and provides a level to type-safety that goes beyond the guarantees other ORMs in the TypeScript ecosystem. You can find an in-depth comparison of the type-safety guarantees of Prisma and TypeORM here.
See issue for more details: #1389
If you want to get a quick overview of how Prisma works, you can follow the Quickstart or read the Introduction in the documentation.
Getting started
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to get started with Ts.ED and Prisma from scratch. You are going to build a sample Ts.ED application with a REST API that can read and write data in a database.
For the purpose of this guide, you'll use a SQLite database to save the overhead of setting up a database server.
Note that you can still follow this guide, even if you're using PostgreSQL or MySQL – you'll get extra instructions for using these databases at the right places.
If you already have an existing project and consider migrating to Prisma, you can follow the guide for adding Prisma to an existing project. If you are migrating from TypeORM, you can read the guide Migrating from TypeORM to Prisma.
Create a Ts.ED project
To get started, install the Ts.ED CLI and create your app skeleton with the following commands:
npx -p @tsed/cli tsed init tsed-prisma
yarn set version berry
yarn dlx -p @tsed/cli tsed init tsed-prisma
pnpm --package=@tsed/cli dlx tsed init tsed-prisma
bunx -p @tsed/cli tsed init tsed-prisma
From the CLI, select the following features: Swagger, Eslint, Jest, ORM > Prisma.
The @tsed/prisma
will be automatically installed. This package generates enums
and classes
compatible with the Ts.ED decorators like Returns and extends possibilities about the prisma.schema
. It also generates PrismaService
and Repositories
You can become a sponsor and help us to improve this module. A dedicated tiers is available on Github sponsors here. By choosing this options, your feature/fix request treated in top priority.
Set the database connection
Your database connection is configured in the datasource
block in your schema.prisma
file. By default it's set to postgresql
, but since you're using a SQLite database in this guide you need to adjust the provider
field of the datasource
block to sqlite
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
generator tsed {
provider = "tsed-prisma"
Now, open up .env
and adjust the DATABASE_URL
environment variable to look as follows:
SQLite databases are simple files; no server is required to use a SQLite database. So instead of configuring a connection URL with a host and port, you can just point it to a local file which in this case is called dev.db
. This file will be created in the next step.
With PostgreSQL and MySQL, you need to configure the connection URL to point to the database server. You can learn more about the required connection URL format here.
If you're using PostgreSQL, you have to adjust the schema.prisma
and .env
files as follows:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
Replace the placeholders spelled in all uppercase letters with your database credentials. Note that if you're unsure what to provide for the SCHEMA
placeholder, it's most likely the default value public
If you want to learn how to set up a PostgreSQL database, you can follow this guide on setting up a free PostgreSQL database on Heroku.
If you're using MySQL, you have to adjust the schema.prisma
and .env
files as follows:
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
Replace the placeholders spelled in all uppercase letters with your database credentials.
Prisma client configuration
After installation, you need to update your schema.prisma
file and then add a new generator section below the client
generator client {
// ...
generator tsed {
provider = "tsed-prisma"
Then after running npx prisma generate
, this will emit the generated Ts.ED classes and Enums to @tsedio/prisma/.schema
in node_modules
You can also configure the default output folder, e.g.:
generator tsed {
provider = "tsed-prisma"
output = "../prisma/generated/tsed"
By default, when the output path contains node_modules
, the generated code is transpiled - containing *.js
and *.d.ts
files that are ready to use (import) in your code. However, if you explicitly choose another folder in output
config, the generated code will be emitted as raw TS files which you can use and import as your other source code files.
You can overwrite that by explicitly setting emitTranspiledCode
config option:
generator tsed {
provider = "tsed-prisma"
output = "../prisma/generated/tsed"
emitTranspiledCode = true
Create two database tables with Prisma Migrate
In this section, you'll create two new tables in your database using Prisma Migrate. Prisma Migrate generates SQL migration files for your declarative data model definition in the Prisma schema. These migration files are fully customizable so that you can configure any additional features of the underlying database or include additional commands, e.g. for seeding.
Add the following two models to your schema.prisma
model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
email String @unique
name String?
posts Post[]
model Post {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
title String
content String?
published Boolean? @default(false)
author User? @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId Int?
With your Prisma models in place, you can generate your SQL migration files and run them against the database. Run the following commands in your terminal:
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
Add the previous command to your scripts
in the package.json
"scripts": {
"prisma:migrate": "npx prisma migrate dev --name init"
This prisma migrate dev
command generates SQL files and directly runs them against the database. In this case, the following migration file was created in the existing prisma
$ tree prisma
├── dev.db
├── migrations
│ └── 20210507100915_init
│ └── migration.sql
└── schema.prisma
Install and generate Prisma Client
Prisma Client is a type-safe database client that's generated from your Prisma model definition. Because of this approach, Prisma Client can expose CRUD operations that are tailored specifically to your models.
To install Prisma Client in your project, run the following command in your terminal:
$ npm install @prisma/client
Note that during installation, Prisma automatically invokes the prisma generate
command for you. In the future, you need to run this command after every change to your Prisma models to update your generated Prisma Client.
The prisma generate
command reads your Prisma schema and updates the generated Prisma Client library inside node_modules/@prisma/client
Add the previous command to your scripts
in the package.json
"scripts": {
"prisma:generate": "npx prisma generate"
Generate Models and Repositories
By using the Prisma client and the @tsed/prisma
module, you'll be able to generate models, enums and repositories each time you use the following command:
npm run prisma:generate
let you adding extra decorators on your datamodel property to generate the Ts.ED model. Here is an example of Prisma datamodel with some decorators:
model User {
/// @TsED.Groups("!creation")
/// Comment
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
/// @TsED.Email()
/// @TsED.Description("User email. This email must be unique!")
email String @unique
weight Float?
is18 Boolean?
name String?
successorId Int?
successor User? @relation("BlogOwnerHistory", fields: [successorId], references: [id])
predecessor User? @relation("BlogOwnerHistory")
role Role @default(USER)
posts Post[]
keywords String[]
biography Json
/// @TsED.Ignore(ctx.endpoint === true)
ignored String
model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int?
enum Role {
Based on our previous example, Prisma Client will generate the following UserModel:
import {User} from "../client";
import {Integer, Required, Property, Groups, Format, Email, Description, Allow, Enum, CollectionOf} from "@tsed/schema";
import {Role} from "../enums";
import {PostModel} from "./PostModel";
export class UserModel implements User {
id: number;
createdAt: Date;
@Description("User email. This email must be unique!")
email: string;
weight: number | null;
is18: boolean | null;
name: string | null;
successorId: number | null;
@Property(() => UserModel)
predecessor: UserModel | null;
role: Role;
@CollectionOf(() => PostModel)
posts: PostModel[];
keywords: string[];
biography: any;
@TsED.Ignore((value: any, ctx: any) => ctx.endpoint === true)
ignored: string;
And, the following repository:
import {isArray} from "@tsed/core";
import {deserialize} from "@tsed/json-mapper";
import {Injectable, Inject} from "@tsed/di";
import {PrismaService} from "../services/PrismaService";
import {Prisma, User} from "../client";
import {UserModel} from "../models";
export class UsersRepository {
protected prisma: PrismaService;
get collection() {
return this.prisma.user;
get groupBy() {
return this.collection.groupBy.bind(this.collection);
protected deserialize<T>(obj: null | User | User[]): T {
return deserialize<T>(obj, {type: UserModel, collectionType: isArray(obj) ? Array : undefined});
async findUnique(args: Prisma.UserFindUniqueArgs): Promise<UserModel | null> {
const obj = await this.collection.findUnique(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel | null>(obj);
async findFirst(args: Prisma.UserFindFirstArgs): Promise<UserModel | null> {
const obj = await this.collection.findFirst(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel | null>(obj);
async findMany(args?: Prisma.UserFindManyArgs): Promise<UserModel[]> {
const obj = await this.collection.findMany(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel[]>(obj);
async create(args: Prisma.UserCreateArgs): Promise<UserModel> {
const obj = await this.collection.create(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel>(obj);
async update(args: Prisma.UserUpdateArgs): Promise<UserModel> {
const obj = await this.collection.update(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel>(obj);
async upsert(args: Prisma.UserUpsertArgs): Promise<UserModel> {
const obj = await this.collection.upsert(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel>(obj);
async delete(args: Prisma.UserDeleteArgs): Promise<UserModel> {
const obj = await this.collection.delete(args);
return this.deserialize<UserModel>(obj);
async deleteMany(args: Prisma.UserDeleteManyArgs) {
return this.collection.deleteMany(args);
async updateMany(args: Prisma.UserUpdateManyArgs) {
return this.collection.updateMany(args);
async aggregate(args: Prisma.UserAggregateArgs) {
return this.collection.aggregate(args);
It will be the same for all the models that you declare in the schema.prisma
Ts.ED decorators usage in Prisma
The generator parse prisma command to find extra Ts.ED decorators. You can use any @tsed/schema
decorators from Ts.ED by adding a comment with the following format /// @TsED.Decorator
. See example above:
model User {
/// @TsED.Groups("!creation")
/// Comment
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
/// @TsED.Email()
/// @TsED.Description("User email. This email must be unique!")
email String @unique
export class UserModel implements User {
id: number;
@Description("User email. This email must be unique!")
email: string;
Create controllers
Finally, you'll use the repository you generated in the previous sections to implement the different routes of your app.
Now we have to create controllers to expose your business to our consumers. So create the following controllers in src/controllers
import {BodyParams} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {Controller, Inject} from "@tsed/di";
import {Groups, Returns, Summary, Get, Post} from "@tsed/schema";
import {UserModel, UsersRepository} from "@tsed/prisma";
export class UsersController {
protected service: UsersRepository;
@Summary("Create a new user")
@Returns(201, UserModel)
async signupUser(@BodyParams() @Groups("creation") user: UserModel): Promise<UserModel> {
return this.service.create({data: user});
@Summary("Filter posts by title or content")
@(Returns(200, Array).Of(UserModel).Description("Return a list of User"))
getAll() {
return this.service.findMany();
import {BodyParams, PathParams} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {Inject, Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {Description, Groups, Name, Returns, Summary, Delete, Get, Post, Put} from "@tsed/schema";
import {NotFound} from "@tsed/exceptions";
import {PostModel, PostsRepository} from "@tsed/prisma";
export class PostsController {
protected service: PostsRepository;
@Summary("Fetch a single post by its id")
@Returns(200, PostModel)
async getById(@PathParams("id") id: string): Promise<PostModel> {
const model = await this.service.findUnique({where: {id: Number(id)}});
if (!model) {
throw new NotFound("Post not found");
return model;
@Summary("Create a new post")
@Returns(201, PostModel)
createDraft(@BodyParams("post") @Groups("creation") post: PostModel, @BodyParams("authorEmail") authorEmail: string) {
return this.service.create({
data: {
title: post.title,
content: post.content,
author: {
connect: {email: authorEmail}
@Summary("Publish a post by its id")
@Returns(200, PostModel)
async publishPost(@PathParams("id") id: string): Promise<PostModel> {
return this.service.update({
where: {id: Number(id)},
data: {published: true}
@Summary("Delete a post by its id")
@Returns(200, PostModel)
async deletePost(@PathParams("id") id: string): Promise<PostModel> {
return this.service.delete({where: {id: Number(id)}});
@Description("Filter posts by title or content")
@(Returns(200, Array).Of(PostModel))
async getFilteredPosts(@PathParams("searchString") searchString: string): Promise<PostModel[]> {
return this.service.findMany({
where: {
OR: [
title: {contains: searchString}
content: {contains: searchString}
import {Controller, Inject} from "@tsed/di";
import {PostModel, PostsRepository} from "@tsed/prisma";
import {Get, Returns, Summary} from "@tsed/schema";
export class FeedsController {
protected service: PostsRepository;
@Summary("Fetch all published posts")
@(Returns(200, Array).Of(PostModel))
getFeeds(): Promise<PostModel[]> {
return this.service.findMany({
where: {published: true}
Now start the server and open the Swagger documentation to test your REST API!
Inject PrismaService
package generate also the PrismaService
. You can inject this service as following:
import {Injectable, Inject} from "@tsed/di";
import {PrismaService} from "@tsed/prisma";
export class MyService {
protected prisma: PrismaService;
In this tutorial, you learned how to use Prisma along with Ts.ED to implement a REST API. The controller implementing the routes of the API is calling our Repositories generated with the Prisma Client and uses the generated PrismaService to interact with the database.