This tutorial shows you how you can use Stripe package with Ts.ED.
The Stripe Node library provides convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.
For collecting customer and payment information in the browser, use Stripe.js.
Currently, @tsed/stripe
allows you to:
- Configure Stripe,
- Create webhooks,
- Use Stripe API.
To begin, install the Stripe module for Ts.ED:
npm install --save @tsed/stripe stripe
yarn add @tsed/stripe stripe
pnpm add @tsed/stripe stripe
bun add @tsed/stripe stripe
Then import @tsed/stripe
in your Server:
import {Configuration} from "@tsed/di";
import {PlatformApplication} from "@tsed/platform-http";
import "@tsed/stripe";
import {Stripe} from "stripe";
stripe: {
apiKey: process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY,
webhooks: {
secret: process.env.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET
// Stripe options
apiVersion: "2019-08-08",
httpProxy: new ProxyAgent(process.env.http_proxy)
export class Server {
stripe: Stripe;
$afterInit() {
// do something with stripe
// this.stripe.customers
See Stripe options for more details:
can be retrieved on the Stripe Dashboard here:
can be retrieved by using the stripe listen
or stripe forward
stripe listen
> Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [2020-08-27]. Your webhook signing secret is whsec_*****************************
::: note You have to install the stripe-cli
to run stripe listen
. See :::
Inject Stripe
import {Injectable} from "@tsed/di";
class MyStripeService {
stripe: Stripe;
$onInit() {
// do something with stripe
this.stripe.on("request", this.onRequest.bind(this));
protected onRequest(request: any) {}
Webhook signing
Stripe can optionally sign the webhook events it sends to your endpoint, allowing you to validate that they were not sent by a third-party. You can read more about it here.
To register a Stripe webhook with Ts.ED, just use the WebhookEvent decorator. It'll call for you the stripe.webhooks.constructEvent
with the right parameters:
import {RawBodyParams, HeaderParams, Context} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {Stripe} from "stripe";
export class StripWebhookCtrl {
protected stripe: Stripe;
successPaymentHook(@WebhookEvent() event: Stripe.Event, @Context() ctx: Context) {{name: "Webhook success", event});
return {received: true};
// with custom webhook options
successPaymentHook(@WebhookEvent({secret: "....."}) event: Stripe.Event, @Context() ctx: Context) {{name: "Webhook success", event});
return {received: true};
Testing webhook
You can use stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString to mock webhook events that come from Stripe:
import {Stripe} from "stripe";
import {PlatformTest} from "@tsed/platform-http/testing";
import {StripWebhookCtrl} from "./StripWebhookCtrl";
describe("StripWebhookCtrl", () => {
beforeEach(() =>
stripe: {
apiKey: "fake_api_key",
webhooks: {
secret: "whsec_test_secret"
// Stripe options
apiVersion: "2019-08-08"
it("should call event", async () => {
const stripe = PlatformTest.get<Stripe>(Stripe);
const payload = {
id: "evt_test_webhook",
object: "event"
const payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2);
const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({
payload: payloadString,
secret: "whsec_test_secret"
const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(payloadString, header, secret);
const ctx = PlatformTest.createRequestContext();
const ctrl = await PlatformTest.invoke<StripWebhookCtrl>(StripWebhookCtrl);
const result = ctrl.successPaymentHook(event, ctx);
expect(result).toEqual({received: true});
With SuperTest:
import {PlatformTest} from "@tsed/platform-http/testing";
import {PlatformExpress} from "@tsed/platform-express";
import {PlatformTestUtils} from "@tsed/platform-test-utils";
import {expect} from "chai";
import {Stripe} from "stripe";
import SuperTest from "supertest";
import {StripeWebhooksCtrl} from "./StripWebhookCtrl";
import {rootDir, Server} from "../Server";
const utils = PlatformTestUtils.create({
adapter: PlatformExpress,
server: Server,
logger: {
level: "info"
describe("Stripe", () => {
let request: SuperTest.Agent;
mount: {
"/rest": [StripWebhookCtrl]
beforeEach(() => {
request = SuperTest.agent(PlatformTest.callback());
afterEach(() => PlatformTest.reset());
it("should call the webhook", async () => {
const stripe = PlatformTest.get<Stripe>(Stripe);
const payload = {
id: "evt_test_webhook",
object: "event"
const payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2);
const signature = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({
payload: payloadString,
secret: "whsec_test_secret"
const response = await"/rest/webhooks/callback").send(payloadString).set("stripe-signature", signature).expect(200);
event: payload,
received: true
Known issue
If you have the followings message, it means you have an issue with your STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET.
Error message: No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload. Are you passing the raw request body you received from Stripe?
Please double-check your configuration!