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Serverless HTTP

Ts.ED serverless provides a way to deploy your Ts.ED application on serverless platforms.

Ts.ED provides two packages to reach specific use cases:

  • @tsed/platform-serverless to deploy optimized AWS Lambda functions,
  • @tsed/platform-serverless-http to deploy serverless applications with a full HTTP Server like Express or Koa.

This documentation will be focused on the @tsed/platform-serverless-http package.

For more information about the @tsed/platform-serverless package, please refer to the Serverless documentation.


Under the hood, @tsed/platform-serverless-http uses serverless-http to handle AWS event and call Express.js/Koa.js application.

As a result, it supports:

  • You can use Express.js or Koa.js to create your serverless application,
  • It supports multiple cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc...
  • DI injection with @tsed/di,
  • Models mapping using @tsed/schema and @tsed/json-mapper,
  • Params decorators can be used from @tsed/platform-params to get Query, Body, etc...
  • Operation descriptions like @Returns,
  • @tsed/async-hook-context to inject Context anywhere in your class!
  • All ORM already available for other Ts.ED platform.

Note that, only APIGateway event are supported by this package.


Generate a new project with the CLI (you can also start from an existing project):

tsed init .
? Choose the target platform: Express.js
? Choose the architecture for your project: Ts.ED
? Choose the convention file styling: Ts.ED
? Check the features needed for your project Swagger, Testing, Linter
? Choose unit framework Jest
? Choose linter tools framework EsLint
? Choose extra linter tools Prettier, Lint on commit
? Choose the package manager: Yarn
npm install @tsed/platform-serverless-http serverless-http serverless-offline
npm install --save-dev @types/aws-lambda
yarn add @tsed/platform-serverless-http serverless-http serverless-offline
yarn add -D @types/aws-lambda
pnpm add @tsed/platform-serverless-http serverless-http serverless-offline
pnpm add -D @types/aws-lambda
bun add @tsed/platform-serverless-http serverless-http serverless-offline
bun add -D @types/aws-lambda

In the src/lambda create a new Lambda class:

import {Controller, Inject} from "@tsed/di";
import {Get, Returns, Summary} from "@tsed/schema";
import {QueryParams} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {TimeslotsService} from "../services/TimeslotsService";
import {TimeslotModel} from "../models/TimeslotModel";

export class TimeslotsController {
  protected timeslotsService: TimeslotsService;

  @Summary("Return a list of timeslots")
  @(Returns(200, Array).Of(TimeslotModel))
  get(@QueryParams("date_start") dateStart: Date, @QueryParams("date_end") dateEnd: Date) {
    return this.timeslotsService.find({

Remove the http and https port configuration from Server.ts:

  // httpPort: 8080,
  // httpsPort: false
export class Server {}

And add the http port for our local server directly on index.ts file:

import {PlatformExpress} from "@tsed/platform-express";
import {Server} from "./Server";

async function bootstrap() {
  const platform = await PlatformExpress.bootstrap(Server, {
    httpsPort: false,
    httpPort: process.env.PORT || 8080,
    disableComponentsScan: true

  await platform.listen();

  return platform;


Create new handler.ts to expose your lambda:

import {PlatformServerlessHttp} from "@tsed/platform-serverless-http";
import {PlatformExpress} from "@tsed/platform-express";
import {Server} from "./Server";

const platform = PlatformServerlessHttp.bootstrap(Server, {
  adapter: PlatformExpress

export const handler = platform.handler();

Finally, create the serverless.yml:

service: timeslots

frameworkVersion: "2"

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs14.x
  lambdaHashingVersion: "20201221"

  - serverless-offline

    handler: dist/handler.handler
      - http:
          method: ANY
          path: /
      - http:
          method: ANY
          path: "{proxy+}"

Invoke a lambda with serverless

Serverless provide a plugin named serverless-offline. This Serverless plugin emulates AWS λ and API Gateway on your local machine to speed up your development cycles. To do so, it starts an HTTP server that handles the request's lifecycle like API does and invokes your handlers.

So, by using the serverless offline command, we'll be able to invoke our function. For that, we need also to build our code before invoke the lambda.

To simplify our workflow, we can add the following npm script command in our package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "invoke": "yarn serverless invoke local -f any --data '{\"path\":\"/timeslots\", \"httpMethod\": \"GET\"}'"

Now, we can run the following command to invoke our lambda:

yarn invoke
// OR
npm run invoke

You should see in the terminal the following result:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "[{\"id\":\"b6de4fc7-faaa-4cd7-a144-42f6af0dec6b\",\"title\":\"title\",\"description\":\"description\",\"start_date\":\"2021-10-29T10:40:57.019Z\",\"end_date\":\"2021-10-29T10:40:57.019Z\",\"created_at\":\"2021-10-29T10:40:57.019Z\",\"update_at\":\"2021-10-29T10:40:57.019Z\"}]",
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "x-request-id": "ebb52d5e-113b-40da-b34e-c14811df596b"
  "isBase64Encoded": false

Get Aws Context and Aws Event

This package includes decorators to easily get the event object Lambda received from API Gateway:

import {Get} from "@tsed/schema";
import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {ServerlessEvent, ServerlessContext} from "@tsed/platform-serverless-http";

class MyCtrl {
  get(@ServerlessEvent() event: any, @ServerlessContext() context: ServerlessContext) {
    console.log("Event", event);
    console.log("Context", context);

    return {event, context};


Ts.ED provide a way to test you lambda with mocked Aws event and context by using the PlatformServerlessTest util.

Here an example to test a Lambda controller:

import {PlatformServerless} from "@tsed/platform-serverless-http";
import {PlatformServerlessTest} from "@tsed/platform-serverless-testing";
import {PlatformExpress} from "@tsed/platform-express";
import {Server} from "./Server";

class TimeslotsController {
  getAll() {
    return [];

describe("TimeslotsController", () => {
    PlatformServerlessTest.bootstrap(PlatformServerlessHttp, {
      server: Server,
      mount: {
        "/": [TimeslotsLambdaController]
  afterEach(() => PlatformServerlessTest.reset());

  it("should call getAll Lambda", async () => {
    const response = await PlatformServerlessTest.request.get("/timeslots");



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Released under the MIT License.