Getting Started
Try it online
You can try Ts.ED directly in your browser on CodeSandbox.
To get started, you can either scaffold the project with the Ts.ED CLI, or clone a starter project.
To scaffold the project with the CLI, run the following commands. This will create a new project directory, and populate the directory with the initial core Ts.ED files and supporting modules, creating a conventional base structure for your project. Creating a new project with the CLI is recommended for first-time users.
npx -p @tsed/cli tsed init .
yarn set version berry
yarn dlx -p @tsed/cli tsed init .
pnpm --package=@tsed/cli dlx tsed init .
bnx -p @tsed/cli tsed init .
You will be greeted with a few simple questions:
? Choose the target platform: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Express.js
? Choose the architecture for your project: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Ts.ED
? Choose the convention file styling: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Ts.ED
? Check the features needed for your project (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
◉ Swagger
◯ OpenID Connect provider
◉ Testing
❯ ◉ Linter
◯ Commands
◯ TypeGraphQL
◯ Database
? Choose unit framework (Use arrow keys)
❯ Jest
Mocha + Chai + Sinon
? Choose linter tools framework (Use arrow keys)
❯ EsLint
? Choose extra linter tools (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
◉ Prettier
❯ ◉ Lint on commit
? Choose the runtime:
❯ Node.js
Node.js + Babel
Node.js + Webpack
Node.js + SWC
Bun.js (experimental)
? Choose the package manager:
❯ Yarn Berry
By default, it's recommended to select the following options: Express, Ts.ED (convention), Swagger, Jest and Eslint + prettier.
When all options are selected, the CLI will generate all files. When it's done, run one of this command:
npm start
yarn start
pnpm start
bun start
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.798] [INFO ] [TSED] - Loading EXPRESS platform adapter... +2ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.800] [INFO ] [TSED] - Injector created... +2ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.934] [INFO ] [TSED] - Build providers +134ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.986] [INFO ] [TSED] - Settings and injector loaded... +52ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.986] [INFO ] [TSED] - Mount app context +0ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.986] [INFO ] [TSED] - Load routes +0ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.990] [INFO ] [TSED] - Routes mounted... +4ms
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.990] [INFO ] [TSED] -
│ Method │ Endpoint │ Class method │
│ GET │ /rest/hello-world │ HelloWorldController.get() │
│ GET │ / │ IndexController.get() │
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.993] [INFO ] [TSED] - Listen server on
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.993] [INFO ] [TSED] - [default] Swagger JSON is available on
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.993] [INFO ] [TSED] - [default] Swagger UI is available on
[2024-02-18T12:51:22.993] [INFO ] [TSED] - Started in 197 ms +3ms
Update dependencies
If you have to upgrade Ts.ED dependencies, keep in mind this point:
It's really important to keep the same version for all @tsed/*
(excepted @tsed/logger) packages. To prevent errors, fix the version for each Ts.ED packages:
"dependencies": {
"@tsed/common": "7.53.0",
"@tsed/di": "7.53.0",
"@tsed/core": "7.53.0",
"@tsed/exceptions": "7.53.0",
"@tsed/platform-express": "7.53.0",
"@tsed/swagger": "7.53.0"
Project examples
Alternatively, you can check out one of these projects:
If none of previous solutions are satisfying maybe you are in these cases:
What's next?
Now you can follow one of these links to develop your new application: